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The Next Generation Society supports AHS programs that empower the next generation of harpists, one of the three tenets of our mission.

Next Generation Society members will be recognized on www.harpsociety.org and in The American Harp Journal annually. 


You may optionally direct your gift to the general National Competition prize fund,  or underwrite a specific prize.   To do so, select an option below and confirm that the full amount is entered on the previous page in the "Donate Once, Other amount"  field. 

Designated underwriting of specific awards will be acknowledged individually in competition communications and announcements.


For one-time gifts, use "Pay Later" to mail a check.

Monthly donations require a credit/debit card or ACH payment.

Please add at least a mailing address or an email for the acknowledgee.
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Pay Later
or enter your card details below
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{{ccfpInfo.notInGoodMessage || ''}}
Please select donation amount.
{{ccfpInfo.notInGoodMessage || ''}}

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Click this button to make your payment via PayPal.

Note: You will be redirected here once your payment is processed by PayPal.

You will now be taken to PayPal to complete your transaction. Please wait.

Please note: since you are in the testing mode, this Paypal button will direct you to Paypal testing site (Paypal Sandbox) to simulate the payment process. All information is fictitious in Paypal Sandbox and there will be no real transactions. For your convenience, you can use our pre-registered testing account [jhuang@dev.neoncrm.com/Watercube2]. To enter test mode, Paypal Sandbox may need you to log onto Paypal Developer Central first. Please use [jhuang@dev.neoncrm.com/Watercube2] to login.

Please mail your payment to:
American Harp Society, Inc.
Granby, MA 01033

Our EIN is 16-6131860
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{{donationAmountStr}}/{{recurringUnitText}} USD
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Make a Difference to the Next generation!